"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Monday, October 02, 2006

When will we have a minority president?

Today in Mr.Wickersham's class we discussed the ideal president. We discussed and thought of good qualities that a president should have. For example, they should be qualified/experienced, educated, intelligent/savvy, and selfless. To me, those four examples stand out the most. If you are lacking in any of these areas, it shows you're not yet ready to be in control. Do you agree or disagree?

One subtopic that we discussed dealt with minorities and the chance of them being elected as president. If you have all the same qualities as a white man and in some cases more why would it matter? They could be one of the smartest people of that time but because the way America is today it wouldn't be so easy. They would have a very difficult time proving their qualities to most people. Women, who are also classified as a minority, would struggle just as much as any other minority. Every person has the ability to succeed and if you are one of the few who go above and beyond, than I think America should give it a try. America should be more open to change, seeing the way that some presidents have acted in the past.

I believe there are others who could do much better and prove they are able to run the most powerful country in the world. One of the difficulties is, that if, and when, minorities are elected, will they be judged harder than a white man, which made those same mistakes? Is that fair? Will minorities ever have a chance? When you are able to vote, would you consider a minority that is better suited for presidency rather than their competition?


Anonymous said...

I agree with this blog. I think that it is unfair that minority candidates don't get the same chance as a white man. I think that there are minorities out there that are able to run the country. When I am able to vote, I would consider voting for a minority, but first I would have to see which candidate has better qualities and qualificaitons.

Anonymous said...

It is imperative that the president is qualified/ experienced, educated, intelligent, and selfless. If the president doesn't have these qualities, then he/she is not yet ready to be the president
If a minority is just as qualified and if not more qualified than a white man, he/ she should be able to run for president. However, this is not yet the case. Many Americans are still not ready for a minority president and don't want to see it happen.
A minority president, such as a black man, would be judged harsher than the typical white president. Although this isn't fair, it is reality. A minority president would be watched closer than usual and would represent more than just the U.S. He/ she would be representing their race, religion, or sex.
I believe that a minority will one day become president of the U.S. Rumors have been spread that Hilary Clinton may run for president in the upcoming elections. I hope that she runs, although I believe that she would not win due to the fact that she is a woman. When I am able to vote, I would surely vote for a minority that is better qualified than their competition.

Brian Krasnick

Anonymous said...

I do belive that if a minority were to be elected they would be help under a micrascope. Any little thing they do will be critasized 10 times worse then if it were a white christian male president that it usually is. No i dont think this is fair but i do think it would happen. When i am able to vote i will for sure leave my options open as to who to vote for. If a minority has the qualities that i would like to see my next president have i will for sure vote for them no matter what race gender or relegion.
Kaelin Roberts

Anonymous said...

As a Jew im a minority.if i were to run for president i would want people to take me as seriously as any other candidate. I feel that a minority would have a chance because i feel most people realize that it doesn't matter about skin, religion, or beliefs and could make the stride to having a minority president. I hope that a minority will eventually become president in the near future.
Robbie H.

Anonymous said...

Throughout history, minorities around the world and here in America have been discriminated on a large scale and also on a small one. Here in America, some would say that this is a small discrimination of people and power but personally I feel that this is a huge deal. In the many, many years of this country, every president, and every major party candidate for that mator, have been white males. This needs to be changed. When I have the right to vote I will definatly consider a minority candidate. I would have to weigh out policies, qualities, prior experience, and character. I also believe, even though it isn't right, that a minority president would infact be judged on a larger scale than the typical white male president. Change is needed soon and I believe that this type of change will happen within 25 years. The sooner the better but until then all we can do is try.

Anonymous said...

the comment just sent at 9:50 or 9:51 P.M. on monday october 9, 2006 was sent by henry m.

Anonymous said...

I think that as Americans we all deserve to get an equal chance. I think that people should be looked at for their qualifications, not their race or gender.
I, myself look at the qualifications of people running, and their beliefs. If I were posed with the decision between an intellectual black man and a white man who failed highschool, I think I would go for the black man, even though he is the minority.
People have to realize that all humans are the same- blacks, whites, women, men, chinese, russians, arabs, mexicans. We all are human beings, just raised with similar but different views on life, containing some cultural aspects. Basically we are the same on the inside, but different on the outside. That is what we must remember when voting. No matter if the candidate is a minority or a majority, they will always have good and bad qualities, which usually tend to even out. Everyone has a good and bad side, they just come out differently and in different cases.
Overall, people must choose the best candidate, not someone who looks better, or is a majority. People must learn not to judge based upon race or gender, but instead accept new and possibly better ideas proposed by minorities.

Anonymous said...

I think that it would be extrememly hard for any minority to become president. The majority of the people would have an instinctive feeling to stick with their own group because they fear other groups might take over. A lot of this happened in early America with the various religions and languages. Although we have come far in the past few decades, there is still too much racism. Racism is just one form of discrimination that makes it hard for a minority race to become president. When people become more open and lose the fear of minorities having power there will be a different world along with a minority president.

Phil Streeter

Anonymous said...

I definitaly think minorites will judged more than majorities. In a white christian society it is very unlikly/never going to happen soon, that a president out side of that majority group will be elected. if one were to run then i think he would not get enough votes. I on't think any minority would even wan't to run due to embaresment and other moral issues. if by some chance a minority ran and won. it would have to be by some big fluke or something along thes lines. i would be curious t know if an african american ran for presidnt and all the african americans voted for him + 1/8-1/6 of whites voted for him if he/she would win. on a side note to what robbie said i think minorites would no doubtitly be judged bassed on their skin color/religion. No fir Chiristian out there would wnat a Jewish person as a president. Just as many people in this society are racist even if they don't intend to be. many of them would not vote for an africam american.

Andrew S

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that minorities should get the same chance as white people. There may be minorities that are more qualified than white people, but they won't get voted in because people don't think they are better because they aren't white.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is unfair that people who aren't white aren't ever elected or are given opportunities like white people because they are minorites. It is unfair that voters think that minorites aren't qualified just because they aren't white, even if they are better qualified than a white person for the job.

Zach Y.

Anonymous said...

I agree strongly with this bolg and think that sometime in the near future a minority president will be elected. But I think that that race will be very close because of that some americans dont think that we are ready to take such a drastic step. The president does have to have qualities and I think that electing a minority, in that way would be a giant change for America. I believe that it would be great for America to elect a minority president so that America could be viewed as more of a diverse country. The past presidents that we have had are all ideal people with the prefect life(As it appeared to the rest of the world). If we elected a minority president we could feel as if we were all unanamous voters and we all wanted to have a minority president.

Michael L.