"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Frontier Reality?

After watching that reality tv series about the families that agreed to live as if they owned a farm in the 1800s, I couldn't understand why anyone would want to do that. They all seemed miserable, dirty, and tired throughout the whole episode. For me it didn't seem like they had any insentive to keep living in the past. Also, I definitely have to give them some props for eating a rattle snake.
But I really didn't enjoy watching the 1800s version of fear factor. Plus they had to build fences, chop wood, take care of animals, and get the hay. All we had to do is shovel dirt and hammer nails. If anything the show just gave me a great appreciation for the life I have in which all I have to do to get milk is open the fridge. I guess you have to be a real history buff, or just a little crazy to want to be on that show.
So you tell me, would you ever go on a show like that, if so why? What if there was a cash prize? Also, how long do you think you'd last... and would you have eaten the snake?


Anonymous said...

I would last on the Fromteer!

The Fronteer show that we watched was really interesting. It showed how much people now a days take for granted. It also shows that familys now rarely spend alot of time together and when the familys were together on the show they were spending more time than they usually did. I would go on a show like that, I think it would help my family to bond closer together becaue we are always so busy we rarely spend time together. I also think that I would be fun; I use to go to my grandparents friends farm and I loved it. I love being out in nature. The only partthat i would not want to be appart of would be killing animals. I would change my eating habits. I would only eat food that came from plants and food that comes from the animals with out killing them. I would do the show even if ther was not a cash prize just so I could join my family together and so we could becaome a closer knit family. I think that my family would last a long time because we have all always wanted to go on a reality show and we all love being in the outdoors.

Julianne D.

Anonymous said...

After watching the " Frontier Reality" show in class, I got a very good look into what people in the 1800's had to go through. I really appreciate the life I have now after watching that movie, and I realized what a great life I have. I don't think a lot of people now a days would think about going on this show. These das everyone is so materialistic that they couldn't go a day without these common objects that we take for granted.
I don't know if i would ever go on a show like this, it would definitly be something to thinkk about. And if there were a cash prize I would definitly consider it. Money is something that everyone wants and people would do anything to get it, so if they were to give you a reward of a certain amount of money, it would definitly pursuade people.
To tell the truth I don't know how long I would last. I guess it kind of depends on the tasks that I would have to do. If there was a lot of back breaking labor involved I probably wouldn't last as long as if there wasn't. I think that I would last about a month or so, maybe longer.
I would never eat a snake like the family did in the movie. Just thinking about it creeps me out. If you really think about what that snake as eaten and how dirty they are, would you want to cook and eat that? I would never even consider eating a snake, I would just find something else to eat that night.
I have a great appreciation for the life I have now and I would not trade it for the life people in the 1800's had.


Anonymous said...

I would think that i would fair well on the fronteer. From that little taste we got from building the sod house I was not sore at all afterward, but im sure that isnt half of what they had to do to build there house. And i have an extreame distaste for the cold, so i would most likely fair well up until the winter.

I might go on a show like that, but if i did it would be to achieve my own end. There would have to be a very big cash prize at the end for me to go souly for the money.

and yes, i would have at least tried the snake. I've always wanted to know how one tasted, that and shark meat.

Tammer B.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that I would be able to go on a show like the one we watched during class. I might do it if there was a cash prize though. I am just not very good with surviving without all the daily things I take for granted. I do not like seeing animals being killed, and I would for sure not be able to eat them right after I watched them die. I really admire people that are able to accomplish the necesary tasks to survive like those who were in the show. I think that I would become very bored, because I am used to having my computer and television at home. I think if I had to be a part of this show I would realize how many unnecessary items are in my possession.

Jordan R.

Anonymous said...

To me, a show like The Fronteer Experience would be amazing to be on. I love the outdoors, and have always wanted to live in a place with a lot of room to roam. I love riding horses, and I know everything a basic horsewoman needs to know. When I was little, I used to drag my parent up to the farms, and just play there all the time. On top of that all, I love the cold. So would I survive well on the fronteer? I think so.

As for that snake, I might have tried it. It would depend on how hungry I really was then and if I really needed to eat it. Otherwise, I'd take a pass. Eating a snake to me would be like eating a friend. I like my snakes alive and as pets.

If there was money involved, I dont think it would really matter. Sure money is nice, but all I would do this show for is for the experience. The only possible way that I would require money involved is if I had to be with my parents. As much as you could say that it would bring the family together, that only works for the few. It would rip my family to shreds, no one agrees on anything, ever.

Abbie S.

Anonymous said...

After watching the reality television show about families who lived as if they were on a farm back in the 1800s, I was shocked. I never realized how big of a change it was from now and then. It wasn’t until this video that I learned what it was like for farmers back in the 1800s and in my opinion I give them props. I think that people of this time couldn’t live without modern day inventions. Everyone today, relays on so much more then what they used to, which isn’t a good thing. Few families in today’s generation could survive on the reality series. After watching it, it made me realize how much I take for granted and what I would have to lose. I am a person who wouldn’t be able to survive living like the three families did on the reality television series. There would be no doubt in my mind even if there were money involved, that I would say no. I am so used to the way I live now that I couldn’t be able to handle such a change. In my opinion I wouldn’t last more than a few weeks. When I saw the show and saw that one of the families, killed a snake and was going to eat it I found it, sickening. I usually never eat meat or fish so the thought of eating a snake is ridiculous.

Katie G.

Anonymous said...

After watching that show i for sure would not have gone on it if there was no prize at all! I dont think i could last very long, the labor isnt the worst part for me its just basically the food that would be hard. I have a very picky appitite and i would have started to starve before i ate that stuff which would not have been good for me! Heck no i wouldnt eat a snake, i would have to be dying to eat that thing! It would have to be a huge prize for me todo that. However that show and what we have learned made me really appreciate my life more, thannks for that!

Anonymous said...

I think at first they did not know what they were getting into. had they decided to quit, everyone would have made fun of them and they would be embarssed and shuned. i might have done it if it was a bit shorter like 2 months insterad of 5 and if there was a cash prize or some other cool prize. Going back to what i said it is better to comlpetley lose than quit halfway through.

Andrew S