"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

What's your fav EH short story?

We just started to read Ernest Hemingway's short stories. Any first impressions? For me the stories lack a bit of depth, and sometimes can be confusion. "Hills Like White Elephants" was one of the stories that made me think more and figure out the actual meaning. You have to search for a long time and figure out what the man and woman are actually talking about. What do you think they are talking about? I think that they are talking about an abortion, and how they are deciding whether the woman should go through with it or not. Could it have been about something else?

What was your favorite story and why? Please express your overall feelings about Ernest Hemingway's style of writing.
Anna S.


Anonymous said...

Ernest Hemmingway isnt may favorite author, but I loved "A Clean Well Lighted Place" because it was interesting and straight foward.
I think the old man was Hemmingway in his old life, and when he drank a lot near the end of his life. I thought this story expressed emotion and I thought using the Iceberg Theory that 40% was under the surface, now knowing where the old man went or what he did? Why did the waiter keep saying things about NADA? I really liked the dialouge in this story, very straight foward to me, thats why I like it. And it was fun.
:] Josh F.

Anonymous said...

Hills Like White Elephants was my favorite story. About half way through the read, it finally hit me. I knew they were talking about getting an abortion. To the girl, the abortion was seen as something that will change their lives in a good way. The man thought it would be something that would take away from their traveling.
When the lady said to her spouse, "Those hills look like white elephants," the man wondered if she was going crazy. She said this to make a very strong point. To her, the hills could look like white elephants, but from the mans perspective, they could be seen differently. This relates directly to the baby. To her, the baby is something that will make their lives better, but from the mans perspective, it is seen as something that will benefit their lives. I personally think that the theme from this story was to take a walk in another persons shoes.
I think Hemmingway's writing style is magnificent. I like how it makes the reader think. It is interesting to me that Hemmingway can write about something so vague, yet still have a deeper meaning. Ernest Hemmingway's writing style could be seen as some of the best writing ever.

Kevin S.

Anonymous said...

My favorite story was "Hills Like White Elephants". I liked this story becuase Hemmingway never actually tells the reader what the story is truely about. He lets the reader decide/guess for themselves. I think the story was about having an abortion. The mystery leaves room for discussion in class about the story.

D Edelson

Anonymous said...

I liked all of Ernest's stories. But two that I liked the most were "A Clean Well-Lighted Place," and "The Killers". "A Clean Well- Lighted Place" was a very touching story. I think that the well lighted place that the waiter loved to go to was the place where he could get away from everything like the deaf man.

"The Killers" was a good story because there was a lot of comedy in it. As in the people who were sent to kill, were bad at it, and they didn’t even know why they were sent to kill them.

I love Ernest's writing because he leaves you to think about what just happened. I wouldn't think of him as my favorite author, but he is definitely the most deeply writing author.


Anonymous said...

During the reading of Ernest Hemmingway I thought that his writing was weird and was hard tyo understand at soem points. But i liked the story a clena well lighted place because he described himself and what he had gone throught back in the day of hgim alsmost killing himself and him not feeling good even thought he had money like the waiter said. I also like hemmingway becasue he was a tought guy instead of a weak emo type of writer.

Anonymous said...

My favorite story that Ernest Hemmingway wrote was up in michigan. It was very dramatic, somewhere confusing but as we talked about it in class i understood it better. I didnt like the fact that jim approched her and Liz didnt do anything but at the end she got up and left. She had a made a good decession there.

Anita H.

Anonymous said...

My favorite short story by Hemingway was "A Cat In The Rain"
This was my favorite story because when I first read this story I was confused on what the meaning of this story actually was. After we discussed this story in class i was able to understand it better. I thought that this story was very well written. I think that the american wife wanted the cat sow much because she would beable to love more than she is loved. Overall this was my favorite Hemmingway short story.

Matt R.