We talked about the different theories of how we got on this planet. We went over evolution, creation and intelligent design. After that we began to debate over which theory should be taught in public schools. Regardless of what my own personal belief is, I believe that evolution should be taught in public schools. The students will be taught this in biology, and it doesn't make much sense to teach religious beliefs to a group of students who may have different religions. All that can do is cause controversy among the parents and teachers, and confuse the students with their own religion. I think that the teachers should teach the evolution theory, although they should be able to mention that there are other theories and beliefs out there and it is alright to have different thoughts about how we became. I don't know if this is going on the blog or not, but if it is, then share me your thoughts and musings.
Editorial Note - It's going on the blog!

"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."
Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.
Monday, January 09, 2006
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I strongly agree with aj that students should be taught darwins evolution theory and not religous. The reason i think that is because the evolution theory is proven and dosent have to deal with peoples beliefs. And alot of contravery could come up if they started to teach religoious belifes inb iology because different people belive in deifferent things.
I agree with aj to a point, i think that both evolution and religious theories should be taught. I think that if they teach both that it will let the student see what other religious believes are. Although i don’t think they should say one is right over wrong, because no one really knows. Although Darwin’s theory dose make more sense and is proven.
I agree that the evolution theory should be the theory focused on in schools. I understand where people with religious beliefs are coming from; they might see this 'sacreligious' teaching as a smack in the face. Yet I feel that as science deals in fact, evolution should still be taught. People with religious conviction so strong that they believe the writings of Genesis, etc. word for word (conviction strong enough to cause offense at the evolution theory) should be able to stay true to their convictions despite attempts to prove history's origins through science. Evolution is not the only thing proven by science that contradicts the writings of the Old Testament. The problem lies partly in that Creation is such a fundamental part of Judeo-Christian religious belief, and that believers do not want to question their convictions.
As evolution takes all the different aspects of life's adaptations into account according to proof found, it should be able to be taught as a theory, as long as student's are aware that teachers are not attempting to sway anyone's personal beliefs. But as Creation does not take into account the many fossils proving adapting forms as well as the huge amount of time between the oldest fossils of life and the first fossils of human life, it cannot be taught as science.
I think that evolution should be taught in schools. They are not saying that evolution over rules the idea of creation. By calling it a theory, they aren't saying it's true. They just want to keep people's minds open to other possiblites. In science classes, you learn about science. Not religion.
I think that only evolution should be taught in the science classes of public schools. It is the only theory of the three (evolution, creation, and intelligent design) that is based on science and has any sort of proof. However, in other classes taught at public schools, such as a philosophy class, I believe that it would be okay for students to share their personal beliefs on the subject, as long as they don't try to push their beliefs on any other students.
I also agree with AJ's points it really doesn't make any sense to teach people the religious aspect of it when it has nothing to do with what they believe. You shouldn't have to waste your time in school listening to something you dont believe in. On the other hand evolution has been proven and people should learn about something that isnt based upon someones beliefs.
I agree with aj to the thought that evolution should be tought in public schools because public schools are ment for the "public," in other words to everyone no matter what their religion or race is and if we teach creation or intelligent design in these public schools then it would emit the purpose of "public" schools. Although it would be okay if creation was taught at a private Jewish or Christian school because the theory of creation came from the Judeo-Christan belief and there would be no problem in teaching Creation in the private schools. Evolution is a scientific theory which was backed up by fossil proof and it would not offend or confuse any student if it were to be tought in public schools.
I agree that evolution should be taught in school. Religious beliefs should be kept out of the schools because there are so many differnt beliefs. Evolution is the only scientifically proven theroy and that is what should be taught in a science class. If schools chose to teach relgious beliefs, then it should teach all of them because of the religions of beliefs in public school.
I agree with AJ, I think that it is a good idea for public schools to teach the therory of evolution. They are public, therefore they should not be teaching religious views. If they are going to teach religious views, they should be required to teach how every religion thinks we got here.I think that they should mention that they're are other ideas about how we got here, but it's up to you to decide what you think it right.
I also agree that evolution should be taught in schools. I think that if you have religoious belifes that you should not force them on others. Evolution could be right or worng but so could religoious belifes. But snice everyone has different religoious belifes we shouldnt mix them with school.
I also agree with AJ, in that students in school should be taught the evolution theory. All of the ideas of how the Earth was created(creation, intelligent design, and evolution) haven't been proven. Althought the idea of evolution has physical evidence, it hasn't been proven. So by teaching the idea of evolution wouldn't be bad because it is just another "idea" of how everything was created. Just like some people believe in creation or intelligent design. By teaching evolution in school deals with the science part of school. So the students will learn the science section of how everything was created.
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