"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."
Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
1st Semester Evaluation - Part 4 - Self - Evaluation
This last part deals honestly and reflectively with your own assessment of how much you have learned in the past several months in Excel 10. Forget the grade that will be on your report card next week; I want to know how you feel about how much you've learned in both history and literature. Give yourself a letter grade and justify that grade in a well reasoned paragraph or two with specific examples from the semester.
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If I would grade myself on how much I learned last semester I'd give myslef a B+. I gave myself that grade because I felt i have learned alot. But I also feel like there was still some more things we could of learned. Learning is the key to success.
I beleive I got an A- for the semester. I feel like I learned alot but still missed some small little details about somethings. I learned alot about the books we read and how they compare to the time period. I think I retained a good amout of knowledge for this semester. Knowledge is Power!!
Over the course of the semester, I think I deserve a B in this class. I learned a lot, but there was some stuff that I didn't really understand. Either I didn't apply myself hard enough to understand some of the material, or the material wasn't presented well. This was only with some of the material we covered though. For the most part, I think I learned a lot of information during the first semester of Excel.
In both classes with Mr.McClaren and Mr.Sherman i learned a lot. Both teachers had a fun way of teaching, and having me understand what we were learning. I enjoyed being in both of their classes. I usually don't like History. But Mr.Sherman explained the past in a story form so you could understand it better. If you didn't understand, he would find a different approach with having you understand. For the tests, i always remembered the storys he would tell, which made the tests very easy.
Mr.McClaren was just a fun teacher. He could always relate to the kids, and what we were trying to say. I think that made his teaching methods a lot easier for students to learn. I learned so much in his class, not only about literature, but how it would effect you in the real world.
Over the 1st semester i would give myself a B or a b+. I feel that we have covered a lot of information and that i have learned from all of it. There was somethings that we covered that i just didnt really want to learn because it seemed boring so i didnt really open up. There was also somethings that we learned that were shown in a plain or boring way.
For this past first semester, I would give myself an A- for learning. I will admit that a couple of things that we were learning I “zoned” out because I wasn’t all that interested to be honest! Most of the subjects that we have studied have been pretty interesting though. I never thought that I could read that many books in a matter of a semester! I admit that when you assigned a book, I looked at with an evil glare because I thought it was going to suck. I liked Red Badge of Courage and Martin Dressler the best because I could relate to them. I did like the other ones, just not as much.
I give myself an overall A- because I think there are many details that i remember vividly and other things that i forget unless someone gives me a lead on whats going on. I noticed when I was doing the final review sheet that i had to look back over my binder in order to thoroughly answer everything. Information on authors I didn't really know like where they grew up, but i don't necessarily think that's always important. Details on wars and stuff like that like Gettysburg I had to go back and look at because we had taken so many notes on different things and retracing them looked to be the only way that i could really comprehend what we were learning at the time. Though there were many things that i don't remember I don't think it does much because of all the things that we did learn. I don't think there was a true slacker-day in this class, and being that we've had it every school day since the end of august that means a lot. I think i rmembered most of the important stuff and that's what counts. I remembered a lot about TR becasue of the video we watched, like how he almost got a speeding ticked for riding his horse too fast in front of the white house. Maybe that's not such an iomportant detail but it says a lot about his personality which also showed in his politics of the time, which is important. The part that brings my grade down some is the literature because I don't think we learned as substantial amount as we did of history. I took the grammar elective which really helped a lot but I've never really enjoyed literature classes because I also wish to have learned all of these rules when I was in like third grade. We probably did do a lot of literature looking back on it, with Hemmingway and Whitman we read a lot of stories but we also read tons of books like Red Badge of Courage, Martin Dressler, and The Great Gatsby, but we didn't really discuss them we just read and then had tests. Maybe I would remember them more if we had discussed them and I wouldn't have blocked them out of my memory as much.
I think that Excel 10 is a great class. I would recommend this to anybody who is considering taking this class. You are a phenomenal teacher, and I learned a lot from this class. I think I've learned a lot in both history and literature. In fact I've learned so much in literature, that I don't think we need to read any more books for the rest of the semester.
I give myself a B plus because I probably didn't try as hard as I could have. I probably could have gotten and A or A minus, but I don't think I put my full effort into it. This semester I will try much harder and get an A or A minus.
I feel that i have learned alot in excel. I think that i am walking away with alot of good and detailed information about history and liturature. You have taaguht out class very well and i think that you are a great teacher.
I feel that the grade i deserve is and A-. The reason i think i deserve and A- is because i do all my work and hand it in on time. Also i study hard for the tests and quzies that we have. I might be a little disrupptive in class but i still get all the imformation.
I think that I would recieve an A- on how much I've learned this semester. This semester I learned a lot of historical things such as: The Great War, Civil War, Progressive Age, and a lot of historical figures. Not only did i broaden my historical views i learned better writing techniques and read some good books. During the elective i learned a lot about grammar that helped out towards my writing.
I would definitly give myself an A-. I really learned a lot this semester. I definitly feel like I could have a conversation with someone on the topics and know what I am talking about. However, when it came to the English end of the class, I feel I did not learn as much. I still have room to become a better writer.
I think that I deserve an A- because although I learned a lot, I did not participate in class a lot.
I learned a lot about history and literature, but not a lot about writing. I have never been very interested in history, but I found that some of the things we discussed were very interesting. For example, I enjoyed learning about the robber barons a lot. I also liked reading My Antonia, Martin Dressler, and The Great Gatsby, as well as Earnest Hemingway's short stories. However, I didn't learn a lot about how to improve my writing, except that in a story, I should develop my characters more.
Finally, I don't think that I shared my thoughts and opinions enough in class. Therefore, I should get an A-.
During the past several months I've learned a lot in Excel class in both history and literature. I love how we have so many discussions and debates over different issues. Everyone gets a chance to speak and express their opinions. If I were to grade myself in the class I would give myself a B. I tried hard, and did most of my work but I deffently feel like I could do much better and try much harder. I think that I could have participated more in the discussions and spent more time on my papers. Also I could have managed my time better so I wasn't craming everything in on the last night.
I think my grade for how much I learned the past semester is a B. I learned and remember a lot of the stuff we covered. The majority of the things I don't remember are the books. I thought that those books were either long and dragged on, or were short and not very interesting.
I was really interested in the Robber Barons portion and i'll probably remember that stuff for a while. It was interesting to learn about their money-makin' tactics. It will probably benefit me in the future when i'm makin' bills.
Stuff that I don't think i'll remember very well is anything we learned from reading Hemingway and Walt Whitman. Those books were short and stupid.
I also liked reading about the muckrackers and how they revealed the uglier sides of things. The portion of the Jungle that we read was one of the more interesting things we read this past semester.
Looking at how much I have learned I would give myself an A because i learned a lot in both literature and history. In the literature electives i learned a lot about grammer, for example the different types of sentences, apostrophes and many other grammer rules, also all of the books and papers that we read and wrote allowed me to improve my writting and reading skills. I learned a lot of history in class because we disscussed most of the topics which allowed me to see history in different point of views. For example the Treaty of Versailles debate, before we started to talk about it i didn't know that it was such a big deal and how all of the senators had a different view on the treaty and what should be in it. I learned that every little thing in history has different view points where it could go one way or the other and both points have strong supports, for example the robber barons and whether they really are robber barons or not.
I think that I have learned more in this class than I have learned in other classes. My self assessment grade is an A-. I loved the elective classes, and especially the creative writing elective. I learned how to become a better writer and to proof read my papers and write in different points of view. This is a skill that will help me throughout high school and college.
In history, I learned the most in the area of presidents and politics. Such as the Treaty of Versaille and President Wilson.
I am hoping to learn about FDR this semester because I already have a knowledge on him and his life.
I feel like I deserve a B+ in this class. I've learned a lot and I really think that I tried my very hardest. One thing I need to improve on though is making it to class more often and when I am in class, to be on time. I feel like my shortcomings in this class were mainly due to absences not followed up on.
I am really glad that we are learning about American history in school. Our lifes are so influenced by the past and I think that it is very important to learn about those things. I love that we are covering all the important facts about the era. I also think that it was really important that we read all of these classic novels. Because of these basic facts and knowlage, I feel that I have learned alot this year.
This semester I would give myslelf an A- because...
I feel that my general knowlage has been highly increased. I was playing trivial pursiut at a family party this past weekend and that that we the first time that I really thought about how much I had learned. In the history section there were a bunch of questions about American history that I was able to answer because of Excel. I was able to apply all that knowlage that had been cummulating the whole semester.
Thanks for all that learning/knowlage...!
I would give myself an A-. I would do this because there were a lot of topics where I learned a good amount of new information but was also presented in a way the wasnt bad. There were some topics that were just so bad and were taught poorly so i did not think i learned as much on those topics.
I learned alot in this class this past semester. I think that i've learned more than i would have being in seperate english and american history classes. i think this is because we tie in both subjects to simmilar topics and we learn more in doing that. I think i got an A- in how much I learned in social studies and a B+ in English. I think i've gained alot of knowledge from the discussions, notes, and movies in class. The reason i think i got less in English is because i don't think we emphasize it enough in class. Still, i think that i learned more than i would have in being in a seperate English Class.
I think that so far in excel I have learned a lot in both history and literature. I would probably give myself a B+/A- for this semester. I have learned a lot defintly through the demonstrations and simulations with the 1912 Election, Immigration Simmulation, and the Treaty of Versailles. I also liked the group work stuff where we helped each other understand what we were reading and what he were trying to accomplish. It is another point of view aside from the teachers to make it easier to understand something.
I also liked the elctives that we have done. The Scary Story elective was cool, and so was the english class electives. I think that that was a good way to take a short break from what we were learning in history.
i think that the last semester taught me more in history that literature and english. i would give myslef a B. because i didnt perticipate as much as i should of and mabye turned in a few homework assignments on time. also i would of took more time and review for tests. i think short homework assignments are more realistical because i know all of us have very busy lives outside of school. school is the most important but we do have a life and dont want to work on excel hw everyday of our life.
First semester I learned a lot about history and I have improved my writing. I like that we are not writing papers all the time and there isn’t lectures everyday. For the English part of excel, I learned how to write a good I-search and how to cite and research many things for the paper. I also learned the rules of grammar during the electives and was to use the rules in your papers. I also have read more books in this class alone then all my English classes combined. For the history part of excel, I have learned about the gilded era and the people involved. I have also learned about how many authors and how they were involved in the world at the time. I would have to say that my grade for how much I have learned would be a B+/A-. I like this excel class a lot, so I hope next semester is as good as the first.
I think that last semester in excel the amount of things i learned is a B. The simulations and class descussions help me a lot to understand what we're learning about. But because we take in so many things in this class, it's hard to remember it all. I tend to forget things that i write down and dont discuss and I remember things we spend time on talking about.
I would give myself an A- for my self-evalutaion grade. I think that I understood most of the topics we covered. When it came time to study for finals, I realized that I remembered most of what was on the study sheet. I think the information was well taught and it was presented in a way that was easy to understand. For most of the subjects we covered, we had some type of interactive thing we covered which helped me remember the topic. I don't remember very in depth details, like certains dates, that is why I gave myself an A-.
Yeah so if my first one did end up publishing... I am sorry for being redundant.
I gave myself an A- because...
This past weekend I was at a family party and my aunt had this great idea to play trivial pursuit. One of the question sections was history and with my knowlage for excel I was able to apply it to the game and help my team win. I was amazed at how much I had learned this year and how I was able to apply it.
Thanks for all the knowalge...
Yeah i would give myself a B too. I think i learned a lot though. When we have more hands on activities in class, i seem to remember much more inforation. (like when we had the Ellis Island simulation and the dbate and other group activities) If i can relate what we are learning in class to something that stands out in my head i seem to remember it longer. If we are learning something and just taking notes and lecturing about it, its kind of harder for me to remember.
I actually think that we learned about literature and history pretty equally. How you related the books and movies, it kind of just tied in together.
I think I would give myself a very low B- when it comes to what I've learned. This has nothing to do with the teaching method of Mr.Wickersham because he is a very good teaher and he trys to get the information through to us. I'm just not a very fast learner. It takes time for me to learn the things that we do in the class, but hopefully I will do better this semester.
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