As we al learned, The World's Fair in 1939 gave hope to Americans that technology would solve all of thier problems; but then the unexpected happened. Americans learned through the mass destruction of the atomic bomb that technology could help them improve their lives, but at the same time, it could turn on them and take their lives.
If you were living in this time and went to the World's Fair and the next thing you knew, an atomic bomb was launched and a war began, how do you think you would react? What would you do? How would you feel?
If I was living around the time of this technological boost, I would be truly awakened to the evil that man contains. Even though these great technological advances brought so much joy to the citizens of the united states, It brought terror to the citizens of other countries. It is truly a shame that objects will always be used for good as well as evil. Personally, if I were alive and well during the worlds fair and then war, I would think that humanity is cold. The world saw during these times how good things can always get into the wrong hands. Happiness and glee can turn to terror and destruction very quickley. As technology expands, humans need to somehow draw a line and use it for only the good of man-kind, not the destruction of it.
I think that although the bomb was tragic, it got the job done. American lives were saved and we won the war. Some people say that we should have given Japan an ultimatum before dropping the bomb, even though they did not give us an ultimatum before they attacked us on Pearl Harbor. Some people say that we did not have to attack on such a large scale in order to win the war, but we needed to send a message that is you mess with America, we will bury you. It is a good example of intimidation and sent a great message to the world. I thought that the bomb was a smart war tactic even though there were innocent civilian casualties. There was also innocent casualties when they attacked America on Pearl Harbor. After the attack, the world realized that an atomic bomb can kill mass amounts of people and almost end a nation. The fact of the matter is, that while the death of the Japanese citizens is tragic, it saved American lives.
Phil S.
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