"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Twain or Hemingway?

Which writer do you like best: Mark Twain or Ernest Hemingway?

I like Ernest Hemingway better because I understand it better, and I like most of his stories. Ernest writes stories that can help you make better choices but one thing I don't like is some of his stories he doesn't give enough details on what he is talking about so he makes it confusing. As we talk about it in class I understand it better. I don't like Mark Twain's writing because it can affect people and it's hard to read.

Anita H.


Anonymous said...

I dislike both authors. I believe they are both very difficult to read. Mark Twain is to hard to read, he breaks a lot of grammar rules and leave sentences unfinished, and he narrates the book as if he were talking to someone. In Hemmingway, the book leaves out too much detail, leaving you thinking what was the story about, what was the point. If I had to pick one or another I would pick Hemmingway, just because it is easier to read, by I would not be going out to the story and buying anymore of there books to read on my one.

Anonymous said...

I like Hemmingway better. The reason I like Hemmingway so much is because his writing is a huge mystery. Throughout the sroty you are given more and more information but you are never given all of it. It makes me want to read on because I want to figure out what he means although I dont think anyone can every fully know every single thing he was talking about. I also like him because like his stories, his life seems like such amystery to me. I like Hemmingway because he always leaves us asking why? I wishi knew exactly why he killed himself and why he didnt get help after all of his attemps. I want to learn more about him and his stories. Even though i like the myster aspect of his wirtings, I feel frusterated that I will never truely know what some things in his stories mean. I wish I could ask him!!!
-Kaelin R

Anonymous said...

I would have to say; I enjoyed reading Hemingway's short stories rather than reading from Mark Twain. I find Hemingway's writing much more interesting because he is able to give simple words and short sentences a powerful meaning. In addition, throughout each of Hemingway's short story's he uses the main characters to represent his beliefs. He expresses the belief in nada, being a code hero, and the four characteristics to be a man. Hemingway also uses the iceberg principle that helped him become the famous writer as he is today. Hemingway takes out any explanation, description, context, or narration in his stories. These unusuall techniques of Hemingway also make the reader guess or try to find out what transpired in the short story. I am looking forward to learning more about Hemmingway life and writing this quarter.

Chase R.

Anonymous said...

I don't dislike either author. They are both good writers, however, I like Hemingway's style better. Rather than going on in a lot of detail like Twain, Hemingway keeps his sentences short and pretty straight forward. I also like that Hemingway bases his stories off of real life events and how his characters usually have some resemblance to people Hemingway knows.

-Stephanie A.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Hemingway's writting much more than Twain. I have trouble relating to Twain and his dialouge. It got very annoying. Also, I enjoy the style of short stories. Twains long, drawn on, novels seem to drag me through the reading. Hemingway leaves me at the edge of my seat. The ice burg theory, and his ties to his life keep the reader thinking. Personally, I would chose Heingway over Twain anyday.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading Hemmingway more. Im really fond of realist writers and the simple, yet eventful stories. It seems as if Hemmingway almost writes in riddles that make you think, which makes me want to pay attention to the material more than i usually would with any other reading. I actually looked forward to reading every story which is not common for me. I like how he has a pattern in every story, and every story has a code hero. On top of that the code hero isnt always a great person either, hes just real. Twain wrote real things but only to spark change. Hemmingway wrote just to write about whats real.

Lisa Reznik

Anonymous said...

I like Hemingway's style of writing. The way he leaves things out of the story makes it more fun to read. It also makes for great classroom discussion. Mark Twain was a good writer but did not interest me at all, I actually read all of the assigned Hemmingway stories. Hemmingway does not have unessicary adjectives and is straight forward with the points he tried to get across. Hemmingway is a great writer and I enjoy reading and discussing his stories.

Phil Streeter

Anonymous said...

I find both author's hard to understand, but I would definitely choose Hemingway over Twain. The confusion is different between the two authors. Twain writes full stories, but makes grammar mistakes which makes it hard to read. Hemingway writes short stories, but leaves a lot of details out, leaving more to the imagination. I think Hemingway's stories make you think more to truly find what's below the surface because it is not plainly written out for you. I also think that the class disscussions are more interesting when we talk about Hemingway.
-Rachael M.

Anonymous said...

When we first started reading Ernest Hemingway, I would have said that I liked Mark Twain's writing better. However, now that we've read a lot of stories by Hemingway, I would have to say that I like his style of writing. I really like how after reading the story, I can directly relate it to his personal life, and I can see the reason in which he wrote the story. Although at some times it can be frustrating, I like how Hemingway uses the iceburg principle. It makes it fun when you can pick your own ending to the story, or you can try to figure out why he wrote what he wrote. Hemingway isn't like any other author that I have ever read before, so I'm glad I got the chance to read something different from what I was used to.

Elizabeth O.

Anonymous said...

I liked both Ernest Hemingway and Mark Twain the same. There are things that I dislike about each of them. Twain writes a lot about adventerous stories, and they are often leading to a big point in the story, which I like. However, sometimes his adventures tend to get very boring. This is one thing I don't like about Twain. Hemingway's writing is easy to read, and it flows. He often writes about adventures also. One thing that I don't like at all about Hemingway is that he doesn't really give the reader an ending to the story. When we read books, we learn about the authors persepctive, and I often want to see what he thinks concerning the ending to a story. I enjoyed reading both of the authors though.

-Josh Sklar

Anonymous said...

Just like everybody else, I like Hemingway's style of writing much better than Twain's. In some of Hemingway's stories, I like how he leaves out a lot of the story so that the reader can find it out for themselves. I dislike Twain's style of writing very much. I feel that his stories are plain and boring. I also do not like that Twain goes into an excruciating amount of detail. Overall, I like Hemingway much better than Twain.

Kevin S.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading both authors works. I liked reading Hemmingway more just because it left room to interpret and we read more of his work. I wish that Twain didn't use so many words but that wasn't his style of writing. I feel that Twain didn't want us to have any room to interpret. He wanted us to read deeper than the story itself but he wanted to make sure that we got one solid point out of the reading. On the complete opposite side of thinking/writing, Hemmingway left plenty of room to take what we wanted out of his writing.

~Henry M.

Anonymous said...

I am a much larger mark twain fan than ernest hemingway. Although i do respect hemingway as one of great american writers of our time. I also like the way he has a deeper meaning in all of his stories. The reason i like Mark Twain more is because the deeper meaning in his books are more directed twoards a political and social issue and less towards human nature. Also his deeper meaning aren't nearly as deep below the surface as Hemingway's are. I respect both of these authors very much but i prefer Twain much more than Hemingway.

Robbie H.

Anonymous said...

I think that hemmingway was a better writer because his stories are more interesting. Although Twain's stories were easier to understand, they were very boring. Also they did not pull you in to the stories like Hemmingways did. This is why I like Hemmingway's writing better.

-Sam Brickman

Anonymous said...

Ernest Hemingway’s writing is much better than that of Mark Twain. Twain and Hemingway both were introducing new styles to American literature. Hemingway’s writing is timeless; the topics he wrote about are still debated today. He story “Hills Like White Elephants” is about a man and woman debating having an abortion. Abortion is a very prominent topic today. Hemingway has a specific style with the code heroes and iceberg theory. Twain wrote about whatever he wanted, not worrying about what others thought. His poems were hard to read and even harder to follow. I thought his writing was very random and it didn’t flow well. I understood Hemingway much more than Twain because his stories made much more sense and were more interesting.

Megan M.

Anonymous said...

I liked Hemingway's writing way better than Mark Twain's and would choose to read it in my spare time. I loved how he left the ending a huge mystery for you to basically make up, and the short simple sentinces that he used. I loved how I could connect his writing with his life. I love how he incorperated the code hero in all of his story along with the iceberg theory. He chose to write about things that happened in his own life and picked characters that he wanted to symbolize himself, I thought that that was pretty cool. At the end of most of his stories, he gave the reader a moral, which I thought was very clever, because unlike most children stories, he worked it into the plot and you had to think about what it was and understand the story to understand the moral. After reading the chosen stories, I wanted to read more of his material, because I liked the characters and I could understand it more than any other story that I have read.

Michael L.

Anonymous said...

I like Hemingway much more than Mark Twain. His writting has much shorter and chopier sentences but he keeps you interested through out the whole story. In Twain's novels there were many parts where i would be bored for long periods of time. I feel that is one of the only things that lack in his stories because the others parts are very interesting. I like how Hemingway keeps his stories short so he can easily keep you interested. One of the bad things about Hemingway is some of his stories are hard to understand. But I still like him the best.
Josh S.

Anonymous said...

Both Mark Twain and Earnest Hemingway are amazing writers. If I had to pick between the two authors I would prefer Hemingway. While we read short stories that Hemingway had writing I found his stories to be far more interesting then that of Twains. Hemingway lets the reader decide how to end the story called the “iceberg theory”. I think that this makes his writing even better then it was when you first started reading it. One thing that amazes me about his writing is that he relates things that have happened to him during his lifetime. There is always one thing in each story that you are able to pull out and relate it to him somehow. He makes it so the stories are short, sweet, and right to the point. He leaves out explaining the details that are unnecessary, which I think gets extremely boring. His writing makes the reader think the entire story. These are some of the reasons why I would choose Earnest Hemingway over Mark Twain.

Katie G.

Anonymous said...

I really like Ernest Hemmingways writing much more then Mark Twain. I feel when reading Ernest Hemmingway its much more how you interpret the story and not so much how the writer wants you to. When reading Mark Twain it was very easy to get confused and miss what was being said but when reading Ernest Hemmingways storys there is no unnessary fluff it gives you what you need and you figure out the rest with common sense. I think ernest hemmingway makes the reading almost more interactive you actually have to think about what you are reading as apose to Mark Twain it kinda just drags on.

-John S-

Anonymous said...

I personally like Ernest Hemingway's writing better because its so origional. I have never seena writers use something like the iceberg theory or the nada concept or anything like that.
I think the way Hemingway only tells you part of the story, or part of what is going on is very interesting. Sometimes I don't always like it, but in a way it makes you think about what he is really talking about. His style of writing is so origional that I think it makes his writing so much more intriging.
The nada concept is something you dont see very often in other authors work. And i think overall, because of Hemingway's origionality in his style of writing it just makes it much more fun to read and enjoy for the reader. So i really like Hemingway, much better than Mark Twain anyways.

Lauren T

Anonymous said...

After reading both Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway, I realize that I enjoyed Hemingway's style of writing much more. Hemingway wrote short stories which were much easier to follow and understand while you were reading them. Mark Twain on the other hand used alot of details and when I was reading his things I often became bored and had no idea what I was reading about. I also liked how Hemingway related his writing to his personal life and gave us an idea of who he was.
molly t.

Anonymous said...

I think that I prefer hemingway because while Mark Twian does an excellent job creating characters that seem like real people, I think that Hemingways characters are more interesting. Some of Twains writings revolve around adventure, where as Hemingway can kind of meld adventure with visual art. In HF, I don't remember any substantial pieces of visiual art.

Sean Turner

Anonymous said...

I truely like Mark Twain much better. Mark Twain's vivid descriptions added interests and make the story more readable. Ernest Hemmingway made the stroies more confusing through his blundtness and lack of vivid descriptions. I think that both writers are good at in some way interesting the reader, but Twains makes more sense and appeals to me more. Twain usses descriptions for interest, while Hemmingway make s teh reader wonder. twain's method is more cleear to me, and is more appealing.

Anna S

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Ernest Hemingway because his stories do not include full detail. The lack of detail makes me think about possible outcomes of the stories. I also like the topics he uses for his short stories because they can relate to real life events. I enjoy how Hemingway's sentences are very short and to the point. I love how Hemingway writes short stories, because I am able to stay focused, and concentrate on the main events.

Jordan R.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anita, I like Ernest Hemingway a lot better then Mark Twain. I really enjoy how Hemingway uses the Iceberg Principle. In his stories he gives us a little information and its just enough for us to make our own conclusions. Hemingway's way of writing gets us to be really involved with the storys and its almost like we are writing the ending for him. The way Twain writes is confusing because he writes as if he were living in those times. i did not understand everything I was reading because i was not use to that type of writing. Hemingway was a very talented writer and i envy his style of writing.
~Erin B.