"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Are we a House Divided today on abortion?

In class, September 5, 2006, we talked about Abe Lincoln’s “A House Divided” speech. Lincoln was saying that a government/country divided because of slavery will crash and fall. I agree it would have been total chaos because there would have been arguments (like the Dred Scott case) over where/when slaves are free or not. A man’s freedom is such a basic issue that a country has to have one solid opinion on the topic. Do you think a country could survive with two different views on this issue???

There were many ways the slavery conflict could have been solved. Breaking into two different countries almost like we did with the civil war would have been an option. In my opinion, this option would not have solved the problem because the two governments would have fought over territory. What do you think another option could have been to solve this problem???

When we talked about the speech, some divisions came up that were similar to slavery vs. freedom. Abortion was one of them. There are many arguments on both sides of the abortion issue. There is the need to define when to draw the line saying what is living and what is not (for ex. some groups say that a fetus at 5 weeks is not a living thing and 6 weeks is). There is also the thought that a person is a person and it can’t be killed. My opinion is that there should be the option of abortion for minors, rape victims, and for any one else no later than the first nine weeks of the first trimester BEFORE the fetus has a heartbeat. What are your thoughts on the abortion issue?

Andrew S


Anonymous said...

My thoughts on abortion are mixed. I don't think it is right for a fetus to be killed, but i also think that there are certain situations where they are beyond someones control, such as rape. If the woman was raped she should have the right to have an abortion because she may not be ready to take care of a child. But, you have the right to do what you want with your own body. There is pro life and pro choice, and i believe that people should be educated before they make their decision to know what they want to do.
Emily W.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the abortion issue are that you are making a commitment when you have sex. If you do have a child that you dont want, then you can put him/her up for adoption. The exception to this is in the case of rape. With rape, the woman did not want to have a child, which would make abortion necessary.

Geoff G.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on abortion are very negative. I feel that you need to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. I do agree that if one is a rape victim, they should be able to have an abortion but I'm still wishy washy on the whole topic. I think it's wrong to kill a living fetus and I don't think my thoughts will change. If people think through what they're getting themselves into, these problems wouldn't come into affect as much.

Haley B.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I strongly disagree with abortions. In the United States I believe they should create a law that eliminates abortions. I feel that if you and your partner are willing to put yourself in that situation then you should suffer the consequences that follow. In most cases the people that want the abortion don’t even need it. They are just saving themselves the trouble of a child but really they are killing the fetus. I think that no matter how many weeks the fetus is, you are killing a child that has not yet been born. It’s like taking someone’s life away the only objective is they haven’t lived there life yet. In the case that a woman is rapped I do on the other hand think it should be available for them. I think they should have to go to court to prove that they were actually rapped. This is because if they make it so people can get it easily woman will take advantage and find a way to get a around the law.
Katie G.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on abortion are also very mixed. I think that in certain circumstances people should be able to get abortions. One of those circumstances is if the woman gets raped, and gets pregnant. But also if the woman doesn't use protection and she shouldn't be able top get one. I think that if you want an abortion you should have to go to court on trial for a rape case, and there should be a person in jail at the end of it. If that happens the person can get an abortion.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on abortion are fairly simple... It takes 9 months for a baby to be consieved and born. It takes 3 months before the fetus has a heartbeat. So, I think that the first 3 months should be fair game for rape victoms, minors and the like. But, if there out of collage and not a rape victom, and they were still stupid enough to have sex without birth control or a condom, then they should suffer the consequences. The last 3 months be off limits to anyone, and leave the middle three for the buracrats and politishions to quarral with and keep 'em quiet.

Tammer B.

Buckwheat Siklich said...

My opinion are abortion are mixed. I think that the only situation that a child should be killed is in the case of rape. it was something that was unintentional and the woman probally wasnt ready or didnt want to have a baby. But in other situations i think that it is wrong to have an abortion if you have chosen to have sex with someone. It it your fault if you get pregnate and the woman should always be prepared to become pregnat when they have sex. Adoption is a choice that they have so that the child will atleast be able to live its life.

Anonymous said...

my thoughts are a bit more leftist than most peoples because well they just are. i think that abortion is fine specially if you are raped of something like that but you should have the choice any way it is your life and you can do whatever you want with it. besides if we just eliminated abortion compleatly then people would still get it done just illegaly and if we did then the population would soar in to the clouds and we would have more poverty more homelesnes famine and death in the world so just let it go already!!!

Josh T.