"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Maggie on the Draft

Today in class we talked about the draft and what we would do if we were in it at that time. Everyone brought up valid points, but I think that I would probably run away. I have my whole life to live, and I wouldn't want to compromise it for a war without a real point. I do think that I would be a protester of the [Vietnam] war because I don't believe in it and I think I would feel the same way then too. What do you guys think?

So my questions are;
1. What would you do about the draft?
2. Do you think that you would be one of the people protesting at the colleges even though it could be dangerous when the National Guard comes in?



Anonymous said...

I would probably be a protester too. I just couldn’t imagine fighting for something I didn’t believe in. Regardless of my love for America, me fighting in the Vietnam War would be something I could not handle. I would of definitely have been a student protesting against the Vietnam War, and standing up to the National Guard. Since I strongly do not agree with the Vietnam War and all its reasons behind it, protesting would have been my duty. That is one of our American rights and I think I would have no choice but to use it. If I were not a protester I would probably move to Israel, because that is eventually what I will do anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think that if I was there during the time period and I was in that age group I probably would have entered the draft. I think that the draft is necessary because without it we wouldn't have anyone in the military. Its our duty as citizens to enter the draft and its kinda cowardly to run away. It seems easy today to say that you would run away because the Vietnam war was pointless, but you wouldnt know that at the time. Therefore, I would have entered the draft and would've done my duty as a citizen.


Anonymous said...

If i was drafted in to war i think that i would run. I dont really think that war solves anything and i wouldnt want to fight for something that i think is wrong. i guess if i was called and i REALLY supported the war i would go but i would have to really support what we are fighting for. If i ran away from the war then i would for sure protest because most likely i dont support the war and i would want to protest for it even if it was dangerous because i am standing up for what i think is right.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that the draft was pointless. I 100% would have been protesting at college, even with the danger of the national guard. I really feel the war was pointless and would have argue and protest against it.

Anonymous said...

well i think all wars are pointless, so i would definitly be out protesting for whatever. i agree with what maggie said about running away from being drafted into the war. first of all i wouldnt go fight in a war when i didnt believe in it in the first place, and i probably would of been too scared.


Anonymous said...

Well first of all, I am completely against all war and I really don’t see the point in any of it. And that includes all major wars that Americans have ever been involved in. This war especially I find to be completely unnecessary. Although normally I find myself to be extremely patriotic and grateful for the things I have because our country is so great, I don’t always agree with the choices they make. I am pretty sure that I would go to college so I couldn’t be drafted (but it I was I would totally just say that I had medical problems, you cant be enlisted if you have flat feet!!!!). I would be on the front line at colleges despite the danger of the National Guards Men.


Anonymous said...

If i were drafted i would have most likely would have dodged the draft. Although i would have opposed the war, i wouldnt have felt strong enough to be a protester, but I do not think that it was worth fighting for. I would have most likely gone to canada, because it is so close, and made a living there till the war was over.

Anonymous said...

If i was called to be drafeted in the vietnam war i would probably not go to the war because i didn't believe in the cause. I would not want to die fighting for something i do not belive in. I think i would be one of those people protesting at the colleges even though it could be dangerous when the national guard comes in becuase i would want the war to end.


Anonymous said...

I would for sure fight for my country. It is your duty as an American to be loyal to your country. You were born in this great country and you have to sacrifice for this country for it to be the same. You can't just let people walk in and take over just cause a bunch didnt want to go fight. I know war is a terrible thing but thats life. You have to deal with life and if the draft is part of your life deal with it and go. Don't be a coward and leave the best place on Earth just so you can dodge it and live your life to the fullest. I would fight because I love this country and would like to fight for the people that are coming after me so they can live a better life than I did.
