"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Paris on Pearl Harbor

After watching the movie, Pearl Harbor, I thought that I would share mythoughts on it. I have never seen the movie Pearl Harbor before and I didn't really know what specifically happened at Pearl Harbor. I thought that the movie showed how organized the Japanese were and how hard itwas for the army to fight back. We talked about how America was in shock because we were playing defense instead of offense. Another factor that made it worse was that all of the ships and everything was in the same area. The movie did a good job in showing how many men were being killed and how crazy it was when they were being attacked.

Do you think that the war would have been different if the army hadn't put all of the ships and everything in the same place? Or if the American government had planned an attack before the bombing? For the first time watching this movie, I thought that it had a big impact on me and it helped me understand how horrible it was.


Anonymous said...

I definately think that we could have prevented Pearl Harbor by going on the offense as soon as we got word that the Japanese were planning an attack. I don't understand why we didn't. I think that if FDR wanted to go into war so badly he could have thought of a better way to do it, such as being more agressive and quick about liberating the death camps.

Anonymous said...

I think that if America had spread out the American navel base, it would of not been such a big attack. Obviously since we had all of our boats and planes in one area, it really impacted our nation. However, if we had planned an attack before they did, they would've just thought of something stronger and better. This whole situation was sticky. Because it was'nt really a win win situation.

Anonymous said...

i have two different opinions to this question. i want to say that the war would have been different if all the ships wernt it one place because then mabye japan wouldnt have known about the different places so then we could all contact eachother and try and take japan down. but then another side of me wants to say yes that we should keep the ships in the same place because it might be really hard to communicate with other people if we were all spread out everywhere, and i think it would be kinda messy. yeah. confusing.


Anonymous said...

Paris! Great blog! I just have o start by saying that the first time i saw that movie i definatly cried! It was sooo sad and the acting was very well done. I dont know if it would have been different.. I mean if you think about it, the Japenesse< (cant spell) bombed us over a wide area. If we had spread the ships and planes out, maybe we would have had more time to save more ships/planes, but we can only learn from our mistakes.

Anonymous said...

As a student at a local school, I find it so interesting and inspiring that a high school class has a blog. I love that different students (I’m assuming) comment about the things that are happening in the class room. I commend your whole facility on maximizing the technology available in this era. I will definitely check up on your blog every once and a while.

Anonymous said...

Even though Pearl Harbor was a horrible event that killed thousand of Americans, it was in a strange and confusing way, a good thing. If we had spread out our ships, we may have prevented it from happening. If this is what it took to get America involved in the war, I'm glad it happened. True, we did lose many americans, but at the same time, it got us into the war, which would eventually liberate millions in Europe who had been siezed by the Nazi's.

Geoff Wickersham said...

Thanks for visiting, Rose. These are thirty-one students comments from on the stuff we're learning in our Excel class - a hybrid American history/literature class.

Anonymous said...

I think that if America had spread out its planes and ships instead of placing them so close together, the only thing that would have changed was that we would not have lost so many men, planes, ships, and supplies. The war still would have unfolded the same way.

Also, I think I heard somewhere that the only reason all of the planes and ships were so close together in the first place was that the U.S. thought that if there was an attack, it would not be by plane. It was a strategic move, but they guessed wrong on what type of attack it was going to be.

Anonymous said...

I had seen Pearl Harbor a few times before we watched it in class, but I have to say that this time gave me a lot more insight. By watching it shortly after reviewing what led up to WWII, etc., I definitely understood more of the movie. Watching it also helped cover some aspects of Pearl Harbor that we didn't necessarily cover. I especially understood a lot about the panic/stress/fear that would have been going on. I have to agree with you guys that a lot of the damage of Pearl Harbor could have been prevented by having our planes/boats more spread out, but I also feel that had Pearl Harbor not been so destructive, we would have gotten into the war for a different reason. I guess it's hard to predict what might have happened when war is such a complex thing- a world war has so many conflicting interests/power sources that it is hard to really know who else may have attacked, etc.
