"After a hard day's work diggin' up the sod, we're ready for chow."

Welcome to our class's blog. We are discussing the latest topics we're studying in American history and literature. This website has been active since December 2005. Selected Excel 10 students will take turns posting their thoughts, and other Excel 10 students will comment on these posts. Parents, staff, and other interested persons are invited to add their comments on our musings. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Joslyn on Being Black in America Back in the Day

Thoughts on Black Boy

On page 313, Wright talks about how he feels being black in the society
he is living in. It explains how blacks and whites, although have
different skin color, still have the same dreams, same thoughts, same
hopes and goals. He says that just because he his black, he has to hold
back his dreams, and hopes for something better. He says," Like any
other American, I dreamed of going to business and making money; I
dreamed of working for a firm that would allow me to advance until I
reached an important position;....Yet I knew-with the part of my mind
that whites had given me-that none of my dreams were possible."

When reading that, I had to stop for a second and try to imagine what he was
trying to say. I came to a final thought that made me upset, that just
because he was a different color he had to give up everything. To have
people put down people to the point where they cannot even believe in
themselves anymore is injustice. I will never know what he had to go
through, and how hurt he was by the fact, that he felt he could never
amount up to anything, but I tried to see the message he wanted to get
across, and it made me upset that people could be like that.

These are my thoughts on the topic, maybe you guys can tell me what you think?


Anonymous said...

I agree with joslyn on the fact that it was stupid that people were held back from there dreams becuse they were black. That is so stupid they are people and they should have the same rights and opportunities that everyone else should have. It makes me so mad that this is how it was for the blacks back in the day. They should have been treated equally and they should of had the same opportunities that every one else had.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Joslyn too. It's true that it was stupid and that they should've had the same rights and opportunities. But we have come a long way since then. It is way better now. But yeah, it still makes me mad too that this happened. It's true that black people and white people should have been treated equally. Luckily people stood up for this and it made a difference.


Anonymous said...

Here is what i am thinking...

I dont know of i could be put into a situation like that! if someone told me that i cant do something jsut because of my race, skin color, or religion, i would be pretty upset!

Now a days, its good that there isnt anymore segragation. Seeing "WHITES ONLY" or "COLORED ONLY" signs would tare me apart. No one should have to go through that.

much love,

Anonymous said...

Two commercials on tv really stuck out in my mind: One shows Halle Berry walking into a restaurant that's filled with white people and she walks to a back room. The first thought in my mind was "oh maybe that's VIP," but then they show a sign that says "Colored Section." Another commercial shows a young black man graduating and his dream is to return to his old neighborhood and teach. Then they show him back in his old neighborhood filthy, and living on the streets. Because he's black, he couldn't fulfill his dream. To me, this is so sad, that because someone was just born a certain color, they cant do what they want to do.

Anonymous said...

The book also made me think about how human rights were altered during a good part of our history. Unfortuantly these things have not yet completly stopped, problems still arise like this today. People definitely judge others all the time, stopping them from living a normal lifestyle. I hope that someday people will see past race, religion, gender, etc. It is so important for people to be treated equally.

Anonymous said...

I think it is terrible that blacks had to hold back their dreams and be restricted just because of their race. I agree with Joslyn and it made me sad to think of all the black people's dreams that were held back. I try to think of all the different black people that might have become something and contribute greatly to American society but couldn't because of skin color. I cried when I read page 313 and I cry every single time I read it again.


Anonymous said...

Along with everyone else I also agree with Joslyn. I would hate to give up all my dreams just because of race, theres no way I could change that either. I thought that the worst part of it all was how he knew that there was a very thick chance of his dreams comming true. Wright expresses many emotions that we probably can not emagine. Emagine knowing that you will have to do some hard core labor work all your life in order to feed youself and your family. I would hate to live in the conditions in which Richard had lived through.


Anonymous said...

I also agree strongly, if I was told that my dreams were not going to be able to come true because my physical features were different I wouldnt react well. Things like this really dont make much sense to me, for people to make people think they are less equal in society is extremely wrong. I think that Richard's integrity took a hit too, becuase now he is believing too that he can't achieve his dreams. He now thinks that he is less than white people as well.